Christ Pres Milford Response to COVID-19
Hi all, let me begin by saying I’m sorry it has taken this long to get
something to you. With the coronavirus response evolving so rapidly I
have composed this email several times then had to change the content in
light of new information.
First, despite being unable to use the middle school, God has provided a temporary space for worship: Hawkwood Games (50 Broad St, Milford, CT 06460) had graciously opened their shop to us and we will worship there at 10:30 am (please see details below).
In addition to its impact on our worship location and in the midst of
rising concerns about COVID-19 I want to encourage you in the grace,
comfort, and presence of God as your refuge in a difficult and confusing
season. We can take great comfort in knowing that the Lord our God is
King over all creation and also especially mindful of His people.
Psalm 46:1-3 is especially relevant:
God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way,
though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam,
though the mountains tremble at its swelling.
While we are placing our ultimate hope in our sovereign Lord we are also
making every effort to make use of the common graces of God by taking
the advice of the CDC, the CT Department of Public Health, and
strengthening our commitment to a healthy church home.
We are deeply committed to assembling together for weekly worship in so
far as we can do this in good conscience with your safety in mind. Based
on current guidance from our session oversight, the CDC and the CT
Department of Public Health, we plan to continue meeting for worship until otherwise noted, with a number of changes in our normal procedure. We
want all church members to know that they have freedom of conscience to
use their discretion as to whether to attend worship services or not.
The CDC has recommended that older adults or people with chronic medical
conditions–and those who interact with high-risk individuals–should
take additional measures to protect their health (see CDC Coronavirus Disease
for a list of serious long-term health problems). If you are uncertain
whether or not you are at increased risk, please call your healthcare
provider and obtain a recommendation on the medical prudence to attend
any church event. We continue to ask that anyone who shows any signs of
illness (e.g. over 100.4 fever and cough, other flu like symptoms,
especially a fever, cough, shortness of breath, or fatigue) NOT come to
worship or any event that’s still meeting.
We are working on a livestream of the worship service and will make that available as soon as we have it worked out.
Temporary Changes to Meeting practices:
- Hand sanitizer will be placed at the entrance to the worship space and we encourage you to use it. We also encourage frequent hand washing with soap as this is more effective than sanitizer.
- We continue to encourage social distancing (seating gaps between chairs, no physical contact, etc). This extends to greetings: please wave, offer the Vulcan “live long and prosper,” etc. This will help remove the pressure of having to shake hands or hug and continue to promote healthy hygiene.
- We will suspend the hospitality table. Please feel free to bring your own coffee or tea in your own container from home.
- We will place bulletins in the basket and not have the greeter hand them out. Please only touch the bulletin you are taking.
- Collection baskets will be placed on a table to avoid human contact from passing.
- Those who prepare communion will wash their hands and then wear gloves; those administering communion will sanitize hands and use gloves.
- This week I will wear gloves to place bread in the palm of your cupped hands without touching your hand. An assistant wearing gloves will place an individual cup with wine (unless you ask for juice) in your hand, again without touching hands.
- We are suspending providing nursery for young children.
- We will not meet again as a community group this Sunday evening.
- We will postpone the commissioning service that was scheduled for the evening of March 22.
- I will be at Hawkwood Games at 9 to begin sanitizing in preparation for setup; musicians will coordinate what time they will practice; other setup, please take into consideration sanitizing and setting up in a new space.
Responding to Coronavirus as Individual ChristiansBe Wise: Practice good hygiene and cleanliness. If you