Ministries and Upcoming Events
Ministries & Upcoming Events
Children’s Bible Study
Sundays, 9:45-10:15am
We know that the church is not a physical location but the family of God. To help our children see God’s big story, we have a Bible story time at 9:45am before the service starts at 10:30am.
If your child would like to participate, please join us or feel free to contact us for more information.

Youth Nights
In addition to encouraging mentorship between older congregants and youth, we host youth nights – a space for youth to play games, watch movies, and hang out together.
If your youth would like to participate, please contact us for more information.
Community Group
Sundays, 5:30-7pm
A weekly potluck meal to encourage involvement in each other’s lives – and studying Scripture together to understand and learn how to study God’s Word.
Contact us for more information

Virtual Prayer Meeting
Thursdays, 7pm
A brief Scripture liturgy, sharing our needs and praying for each other.
Location: Zoom link | Meeting ID: 899 5618 6470 Passcode: 355978
Practical Theology
Time and Location varies
Adult education covering a variety of topics: leadership training, membership beliefs, contemporary issues, participating in an ancient faith, etc.
Contact us for more information

Wednesday Breakfast
Wednesdays, 7am
A space for community, important questions, and understanding. Feel free to invite friends, coworkers, and neighbors.
Location: Pop’s Family Restaurant in Milford.
Women’s Bible Study & Brunch
2x monthly on Saturday, 9-10:30am
A time for food, fellowship, and Bible study