Continuing response to Coronavirus

Published by Curran on

On Monday night our oversight session met and, in obedience to the CDC’s endorsement of the White House’s call on March 16th for Americans to avoid social gatherings of more than 10 people, decided that all Christ Pres Church sponsored events will be limited to 10 people for the next 15 days.

As one person responded:
If we aren’t heartbroken by this decision, something is wrong with us. But I do think this is an extraordinary moment, under God’s providence. There are many times when I think we need to boldly defy the messages of our culture, but I think this is a time when we need to join efforts to “flatten the curve” for the sake of our most vulnerable… I hope a silver lining of this difficult time is for us to better appreciate just how important Christian fellowship is for image bearers of the Triune God. Being a spectator is not the same as participation in our union with Christ through each other.

What this means:
Plan for Sunday Worship
On Sunday morning the musicians and I will gather to host a Zoom meeting version of our worship service. We have been working out details and think the Zoom format (in which all participants will be able to see each other) will feel much more like worshiping together, even if it still falls short of the real thing. Please join the meeting from home or, as per our oversight session’s directions, get together with others to participate in the service together so long as your numbers don’t exceed ten. Be sure to practice sanitation best practices (such as frequently washing hands/using hand sanitizers, social distancing of at least 6 feet apart, etc.).

Here’s the link to join the Zoom meeting:

Meeting ID: 664 968 694

Time: Mar 22, 2020 10:30 AM Eastern Time (Wait until 10:30am to follow the link. you do not need to create a Zoom account; just click the link. From a computer, new Mac users will be prompted to install the Zoom app. For Chromebook (Android) and PC the Zoom app should automatically launch. For a smartphone or tablet, pre-install the Zoom app from your device’s app store then click on the link; it will either open the app or ask if you want to open the app.)

You can also join the meeting from a standard telephone by dialing +1 929 436 2866 then entering the Meeting ID: 664 968 694

The oversight session wants all church members to know that you have freedom of conscience to use your discretion as to whether to attend any church event that is still meeting or not. The CDC has recommended that older adults or people with chronic medical conditions should take additional measures to protect their health (see for a list of serious long-term health problems). If you are uncertain whether or not you are at increased risk, please call your healthcare provider and obtain a recommendation on the medical prudence to attend any church event. We continue to ask that anyone who shows any signs of illness (e.g. over 100.4 fever and cough, other flu like symptoms) NOT attend any church event still meeting.

Plan for the life of the church

  • Participate in the midweek prayer meeting via Zoom this evening at 7:30 (here’s the link to the midweek prayer meeting).
  • Join the Marco Polo video group and interact with each other (follow this link or just email me back and I’ll add you).
  • Call a few friends and do a prayer walk in your neighborhood, or on the beach, or in the woods; get outdoors and enjoy the coming of Spring—life is moving on!
  • Be intentional and hyper-vigilant in reaching out to those who might feel alone and alienated or are at high-risk. OFFER TO GO GROCERY SHOPPING OR PICK UP MEDS FOR SOMEONE AT HIGH RISK. If you have a need for this, or are interested in helping in this way, email me back and I’ll put you in touch with the right person.
  • If you are feeling alienated or feel the need for community CALL SOMEONE. If you don’t know who to call, call me and I’ll put you in touch with someone who would love (and has asked) to meet and/or talk and pray with you.
  • Examine your circles of connection; think about who will be most affected economically and consider ways to help appropriately. Here’s a great article for thinking through this (thanks Jodie for pointing me to it!): Riding Out the Storm Together (helping others in economic crisis du